• भारत सरकार
    Government of India
  • स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय
    Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Contact Us

Contact us

Program Officer (e-PMS)
Department of Health Research
2nd Floor, IRCS Building,
1, Red Cross Road,
New Delhi - 110001.

Concerned Officer

S.No Name Designation Scheme Email ID Contact No.
1. Shri B. Senapati Director VRDL, HTAIn b[dot]senapati[at]nic[dot]in 011-23736090
2. Shri Vinod Kumar Director MRU, MRHRU vinod[dot]kumar27[at]gov[dot]in 011-23736087
3. Dr. Tushar Karmakar Deputy Secretary HRD, GIA dhr-hrdscheme[at]gov[dot]in 011-23736903
4. Dr. Geeta Jotwani Scientist G & Head (HRD) HRD - -
5. Dr. Nivedita Gupta Scientist F VRDL ngupta[at]icmr[dot]org[dot]in 8447509008
6. Dr. Kavitha Rajsekar Scientist E DIAMOnDS, HTAIn kavitha[dot]rajsekar[at]nic[dot]in 011-23736901
7. Dr. Tanu Anand Scientist E MRU, MRHRU tanu[dot]anand[at]icmr[dot]gov[dot]in -
8. Dr. Saurabh Verma Scientist E Short-Term Studentship (STS) dhricmrsts[at]gmail[dot]com -
Start-up Grant - -
9. Dr. Kavitha Rajsekar Scientist E JRF for Health Economics and Technology Assessment (HETA) kavitha[dot]rajsekar[at]nic[dot]in -
10. Dr. Jitendra Narayan Scientist D VRDL jitendra[dot]narayan[at]gov[dot]in 9479812381
11. Dr. Sachin Narwadiya Scientist D MRU, MRHRU - -
12. Dr. Neetu Vijay Scientist D VRDL drneetuvijay[at]gmail[dot]com 9312456584
13. Dr. Ginu S. Khan Scientist C MD/MS/DM/MCh/DNB/DrNB/MDS Thesis Support icmrpgmdthesis[at]gmail[dot]com -
MBBS/MD/MS-Ph.D. Program icmrmdphd[at]gmail[dot]com -
Fellowship for best achievement in biomedical research fab22[dot]hrd[at]gmail[dot]com -
14. Dr. Ruchi Scientist C Start-up Grant ruchi[dot]baghel[at]govcontractor[dot]in -
15. Smt. Abhishweta Saxena Scientist C MRU, MRHRU abhishweta[dot]saxena[at]governtractor[dot]in 011-23736907
16. Dr Nisha Thakur Scientist C MRU, MRHRU - -
17. V Kumar Scientist C MRU, MRHRU - -
18. Dr. Balu V Gopal Scientist C DIAMOnDS, HTAIn balu[dot]gopal[at]nic[dot]in 011-23736904
19. Dr. Masarrat Afroz Scientist C GIA drmasarratafroz[at]gmail[dot]com 011-23736216
20. Mr. Sohail Ahmad Khan Scientist B Short-term Fellowship Abroad sohail[dot]akhan[at]icmr[dot]gov[dot]in -
Long-term Fellowship Abroad - -
Short-term Fellowship at Indian Institutes - -
Long-term Fellowship at Indian Institutes - -
Women Scientist fellowship - -
Biomedical research grant for NRI/OCI/PIO - -
Support to Institutions and Scientific Professionals/Bodies/Associations - -
Start-up Grant - -
21. Dr. Geetanjali Sageena Scientist B- Non-Medical International Travel Grant for non-DHR/ICMR scientists & researchers travelgrant[dot]nonicmr[at]gmail[dot]com -
Workshops Funding Grant in Biomedical Research dhr[dot]icmrworkshops[at]gmail[dot]com -
Non-medical fellowships for Ph.D.-NET (BRET) icmrjrfhrd[at]gmail[dot]com -
22. Sumit Kumar Finance Manager HRD skfm[dot]dhr[at]gmail[dot]com 9891310109
23. Shri Ajay Dua Finance Manager MRU, MRHRU ajayraj[dot]dua[at]governtractor[dot]in 011-23736907
24. Smt. Deepika Administrative Officer MRU, MRHRU abhishweta[dot]saxena[at]governtractor[dot]in 011-23736907
25. Umakant Administrative Officer GIA dhr[dot]aogia[at]gmail[dot]com 9717269043
26. Ms. Satinder Section Officer VRDL dhrpmuvdl1[at]gmail[dot]com -
27. Dr. Sakshi Singh Scientist B - dhricmrsts[at]gmail[dot]com -
28. R.Muniasamy Principal Technical Officer - muniasamy[dot]hq[at]icmr[dot]gov[dot]in 9818645628
29. Jitendar Kumar Data Scientist - jitendar[dot]kumar[at]govcontractor[dot]in 8376909569
30. Dipankar Barui Research Scientist (Web Developer) - dipankarbarui70[at]gmail[dot]com 9800679090